A Short Prayer To Thank God For His Daily Miracles – Father, Today I Open Myself To Receive Your…

Lord, I come before you today to show my gratitude.

Thank you for being a constant blessing in my life.

With you and through you I have found my way out of many struggles.

Your divine hand has reached out to me in my darkest moments.

Whenever I felt lost, I was able to return on the righteous path, guided by your light.

Father, today I open myself to receive your daily miracles.

I am grateful to know that you are always working behind the scenes.

Thank you for setting me free from the doubts, worries and fears that used to take over my mind.

Powerful Creator, I honor your name with a joyful heart.

Thank you for the favor that you have bestowed upon my life.

Lord, thank you for your daily miracles and for the small things that make a big difference.

You give me hope and strength to successfully overcome any obstacle.

My power comes from you and I feel that with you I can achieve anything.

Please, guide me in the journey of my life.

Open my heart towards your ways and keep me grounded in my faith.

Thank you for protecting me against all evil, day and night.

I am grateful for your daily miracles and I believe that you will continue to bless me abundantly.

In Jesus name I pray. Amen

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