Powerful Miracle Prayer For Impossible Situations [Surrender To God!]

Dear Heavenly Father, I come before you today seeking help regarding the impossible situation that I am currently facing.

Lord, I am tired of struggling alone and I feel lost.

Fear, sadness and despair have taken over my life.

I am confused and  overwhelmed.

Please, come into my life and assist me in overcoming my situation.

Today, I recognize that only you hold the answer to any known problem.

I surrender my impossible situation in your hands and I kindly ask that you set me free from this burden.

Great God of miracles, your power has no bounds and no limits.

Forgive me for believing that I am capable to solve everything on my own.

I return to you as my Lord and Savior trusting that your miraculous ways will grant me my much needed breakthrough.

Lord, you know my situation better than anyone else.

You know my fears, my struggles and my unfulfilled needs.

You certainly know what needs to be done so I can rise above the impossible situation that made me struggle for so long.

I invoke your Holy Name and I invite you to take charge of my entire life.

Use your miraculous ways to lead me towards victory.

I fully trust that your divine wisdom can easily find my way out of the situation that has challenged my peace and happiness.

Father, you are the undisputable miracle worker, so nothing is impossible for you.

Today, I put my trust in you alone, knowing that you will surely answer my request .

I know that you are always watching and listening and your understanding exceeds all human capacity.

Your mysterious ways have the power to bypass all the limitations of the human condition.

Your infinite intelligence has the capacity to find the solution to any known problem.

Lord, I invite you to shower your divine grace into my life.

I open myself for receiving your precious guidance.

Bless me with the ability to follow your voice and ignore the noise of the world.

Remind me that this world cannot give me the solution that that I am seeking for my impossible situation .

Only you can grant me divine victory and bring the end to my current struggles.

Oh Lord, my heart is heavy and my body is weak.

This impossible situation has drained my entire energy.

Please, allow me to tap into the source energy so I can regain my strength and vitality.

Give me the understanding that things are already working out for me.

Help me to trust that my breakthrough is close.

Make me patience and faithful as I wait for everything to fall into place.

Father, as I say this prayer I realize that I should have turned to you sooner.

I took a role much bigger than my strengths.

I thought that I can do it alone, but I failed.

I failed to understand that only a higher power can help me  to overcome my struggles

But now, I acknowledge that you are my only hope and I trust you completely.

I believe beyond the shadow of a doubt that the impossible situation that I am facing is about to find its resolution.

I trust that all my suffering on a physical, material and spiritual level will end, in the powerful name of Jesus.

As I make room for your presence I can feel that peace and harmony are re-entering into my life.

I feel that a heavy burden has been lifted of my shoulders

Father, thank you for setting me free from this suffering.

I am deeply grateful for your unconditional love and support

You are such a loving and caring father, even when I feel unworthy of your help.

I know that my faith has the power to move mountains and today I stand strong in my faith.

I choose to ignore my negative thoughts and all my disbeliefs.

I embrace the the idea that my impossible situation is already in the process of being solved by your divine grace.

Lord, I have always been amazed by your miracles and I know that nothing is impossible for your power.

Your will is about all opposition, so let your will be done.

I accept my present reality as I know that my present does not define my future.

My future is in your hands and I trust that it is brighter than I can ever imagine.

Great God of miracles, you are the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and end, the question and the answer.

I am ready to let go of all my concerns, fears, doubts and worries and allow you to take the lead.

I honor your Holy Name with deep gratitude, trusting and believing in your divine promises.

Thank you for helping me to overcome the impossible situation that I am facing right now.

I am sure that you are already working behind the scenes to grant me the solution that I am eagerly seeking.

In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Continue to say this prayer for 7 days and see what happens after.

Share it with someone that needs God’s intervention.

God bless you!

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