Say This Miraculous Prayer In Time Of Need [Life-Changing!]

Dear Heavenly Father, I come before you today, asking for your precious help.

I am facing a difficult situation and I feel overwhelmed.

Only you have the power to change anything.

So, I trust that you will bless me with a miraculous breakthrough, that will restore my peace.

Lord, show me that nothing is above your will.

Reward my faith with the relief of my suffering.

Remove the negative circumstances that I am facing right now.

Make room for a new chapter of my life.

I declare that I will overcome my current struggles, in the powerful name of Jesus.

Today, I put my trust in you.

Renew my energy and grant me a fresh start.

Allow me to succeed in all my actions, even when it seems impossible.

Show me that I am worthy of receiving your miracles.

Thank you for helping me in times of need.

In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

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