Say This Powerful Miracle Prayer For Being Thankful To God

Dear Heavenly Father, I come before you today, to express my gratitude and appreciation.

Thank you for your unconditional help.

Your presence gives me strength and courage to move forward.

I am grateful because you were with me in the hardest moments of my life.

You helped me to successfully overcome all the obstacles.

Father, thank you for your infinite love.

In your presence I feel protected.

Thanks to you, I have peace and happiness.

You are my refuge and salvation.

Without you, I feel hopeless.

All my achievements came to life, as a result of your divine intervention.

I am grateful that you helped me to become a better person.

Lord, today I honor your name, with pure gratitude.

Please, stay close to me through thick and thin.

You are my strength and hope.

In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

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