Say This Powerful Prayer For Forgiveness And Mercy From God

Dear Heavenly Father, I come before you today, asking for forgiveness.

I confess that I have sinned and I repent of my negative actions.

Please, forgive me for all that I did wrong.

Now, I am conscious of my past mistakes.

I kindly ask for your mercy and forgiveness, as I am determined to change.

Father, I have lost my way, but I am ready to return on the righteous path.

Take me back to faith, in the powerful name of Jesus.

Today, i step into a new chapter of my life.

I am ready to be reborn and embrace the light of your presence.

Powerful Creator, you know me better than anyone else.

Although I have sinned, my soul belongs to you.

Guide my steps towards repentance and change.

I promise to become wiser, as I receive your divine forgiveness.

I repent of all my sins, both conscious and unconscious.

Your mercy has no bounds and I am thankful for receiving a second chance.

Cover me with the precious blood of Jesus and allow me to be transformed from the inside out.

Lord, grant a new beginning, under your guidance.

From now on, I will act according to your will.

Thank you for your unconditional mercy and forgiveness.

In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

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