Say This Powerful Prayer For God’s Divine Help [Life-Changing!]

Dear Heavenly Father, I come before you today, asking for your miraculous help.

Without you I am powerless and I seek your intervention.

Lord, lately I’ve been trying to solve everything by myself.

Today, I realize that I need a divine miracle to change my life.

Help me to find my balance and peace.

Free my mind from negative thoughts and doubts.

Bless me with a miracle that will solve all my problems.

Father, I need your help more than ever.

Come into my life and restore order.

Give me positive thoughts and hope.

You are my savior.

I put all my trust in you.

I am ready to receive your miraculous help, in the powerful name of Jesus.

Today, I make room in my life for a miracle.

I feel that everything will work out in my favor, by your divine grace.

Mighty Creator, untie me from all that is negative.

Remind me that it is your will for me to be happy.

Fill my heart with your divine peace.

I leave all my problems in your care and I trust that everything will be solved in a miraculous way.

Thank you for your unconditional help.

In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

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