Say This Powerful Prayer For Instant Miracle Healing [Life-Changing!]

Dear Heavenly Father, I come before you today, asking for an instant miracle healing.

Please, command all sickness to leave from my body, mind and soul.

Bless me with the miraculous healing of every cell, every organ and every part of my physical body.

Take me back to the perfection of your creation.

Lord, show me that my healing is possible, by your divine grace.

I know that I am a meant to enjoy great health.

Today, I expect an instant miracle healing, in the powerful name of Jesus.

Any trace off sickness will disappear, in the light of you loving presence.

My weakness will be transformed into strength.

I am ready for a successful recovery.

Now, I understand that being healthy is my divine right.

Powerful Creator, use your unseen ways to grant me a complete and total healing.

I surrender my health in your hands and I trust that I am about to experience an instant miracle healing.

Thank you for blessing me with excellent health.

In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

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