Say This Prayer To The Holy Spirit To Receive An Urgent Miracle This Week

Dear Heavenly Father, I come before you today, seeking your divine miracles.

I thank you for the chance to live a new day in your presence.

Lord, you are my hope.

Please, bless me with an unexpected miracle.

Give me the chance to be amazed by your boundless power.

Today, I feel that something wonderful will happen.

Give me confidence in my own strength, when I have doubts.

Set my sights on my untapped potential.

Help me to regain my peace and happiness.

Keep me healthy and strong.

Remind me to believe in you and not to deviate from the path of faith.

Great Holy Spirit, find your way to me.

Come and empower me, by your divine grace.

Grant me an unexpected miracle, in the powerful name of Jesus.

Send me your light and bring me out of the darkness of my mind.

Let the sun shine in my life.

I trust that my life will change completely.

Everything that created my suffering will disappear at your command.

I am convinced that an unexpected miracle will give me the chance for a new beginning.

I choose to leave the past behind and believe in a favorable future.

I feel that everything will be arranged in divine harmony.

Today, I set myself free from fear and I trust that I will experience an unexpected miracle through the intervention of the Holy Spirit.

In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

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