Say This Powerful Short Prayer For Guidance And Wisdom [Receive Your Divine Guidance!]

Dear Heavenly Father, I come before you today, asking for guidance and wisdom.

Take my hand and guide me through the journey of my life.

Bless me with divine wisdom, so I can act according to your will.

Lord, I trust that you will guide me towards peace and happiness.

Silent the noise of the world and bring my focus back to you.

Allow me to hear your voice.

Enlighten my mind with a part of your wisdom.

Guide me step by step, so I can reach my true potential.

Teach me how to make the right choices.

Remove my doubts and worries and replace them with confidence and certainty.

Father, I am open to receive your guidance.

I choose to connect myself to your infinite wisdom.

Thank you for leading me towards the fulfillment of my heart’s desires.

In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

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